Offering The Best Acoustic Guitars Online

The acoustic guitars are a type of musical instrument that has existed for many centuries, not exactly in its current shape and has already become one of the most commonly liked and widespread musical instruments in the world. However, it has not always had its contemporary appearance.

If we go along the definition, the acoustic guitar is an instrument with strings producing its sound by amplifying the strings vibrations through a body and acoustically projecting the sound through the air. This means that the sound waves are produced in an acoustic way and not electronically.

The acoustic guitar has a body, which is also called a sound box and it is composed of certain materials, usually various solid tonewoods in order rich tones and overtones to be created that differ with the various strings, body styles, craftsmanship, finish and size of the body.

With the thousands of brands and models available, how can we narrow down the selection when choosing a new guitar?

acoustic guitars caseWell, whether you trust us or not, not all of the same price range acoustic guitar for sale are made equal. For instance, one of the incentives to launch this website was because a friend had saved more than a thousand dollars for a decent acustic guitar. He has decided to go for a common brand. If that guy had not called us, he would have spent $1300 for considerably inferior guitar, just because it bore a common name. We were quite shocked at how basic the craftsmanship was on this common guitar and a lot of money was going to be spent on it simply because of the famous brand name.

We went together to one local guitar store and he played a brand he had not even heard of before. After just five minutes, he was hit by the realization that the brand name is not the essential thing and that not all instruments found in the same price range are made equal. We showed him a guitar made in Canada by Larrivee which was certainly about four times better when it comes to craftsmanship, sound and quality than the so common model he was initially going to purchase.

If you want to have an acoustic guitar – it could be your first one, it could be for a friend, husband, daughter, son, boyfriend or wife and you do not know where to begin from. You can be a professional and simply do an extensive research. It does not matter who you are, this site is created to help you reach the most appropriate decision on your future guitar acoustic purchase.

The Top Guide for Acoustic Guitars Beginners

The sound of the best acoustic guitars is one of the most pleasant sounds existing. It is natural, pure and it pleases the ears.

Acoustic guitars are a wonderful beginning for most novice musicians. They provide astonishing tone and with them, you do not need extra equipment such as cables and amps. The only problem is that you can find hundreds of possibilities when it comes to choosing an acoustic guitar, so the question is how to get the best value for your budget?

In regards to the best acoustic guitars for sale for you, there are a lot of features that you need to consider when you want to buy one either for you or for some close person. To make it easier, we offer you these various characteristics:

  • The guitar’s size – jumbo, full size or ¾.
  • The wood type – your sound’s quality depends on it.
  • The guitar’s “action” – how playable is a particular guitar?
  • The finish of the guitar – does it appear natural or shiny?
  • The electronics – can it be plugged into a sound system?
  • The brand – a popular name brand or not a name brand?

The Guitar’s Size

As you are looking for the top budget guitar, size needs to be one of the very first things to consider. Is the guitar meant for a child? Or an adult? Or someone with fat fingers?

Acoustic guitars come in various body sizes ( the jumbo and the thin-body are the extremes), and you can even find miniature size acoustic guitars for children. First, you have to determine what size is appropriate for the person’s height.

The guitar’s size is also very influential for the produced sound. A guitar with a larger body has a more bass and fuller sound than a thinner, smaller guitar which loses quite a much bass and sounds a little higher in tone.

The Wood Type

acoustic guitars four stringOnce you have selected your guitar’s size, your next step is to decide on your budget. What makes the guitar prices vary so much, is the wood type and the construction’s quality.

In the making of acoustic guitars, there are three various kinds of wood that are mostly used: the one for building the top, which is in most cases a spruce, the one for building the back and the sides, which is mostly the same and the one for the neck/fretboard – rosewood in most cases. If you are a beginner, a basic top made of spruce and maple back and sides will create a wonderful sound.

Another essential aspect of the kinds of wood is whether it is a solid or laminate wood. The laminate wood is used in less expensive models, and the most expensive instruments are made of solid piece of wood. The solid wood certainly creates a fuller sound, and it is a better investment. However, most novice musicians would not be able to hear the difference, at least in the beginning.

The Guitar’s “Action” or Playability

What usually defines the guitar’s action is how far the strings are placed from the guitar’s neck. If they are closer (without physically hitting the frets and therefore buzzing), it is easier to play the guitar because your fingers do not have to be pressed down too hard.

In general, the more expensive is the guitar, the better is its playability or action. There are novice acoustic guitar musicians that start with a poor action guitar, and they are either discouraged and thus quit, or they manage to increase the strength of their fingers in a shorter amount of time.

Other beginners spend more money to start with a better action guitar. This way, in most cases, you are able to get your chords sound better and accomplish this quicker.

The Finish of the Guitar

Let’s make this clear: the guitar’s kind of finish does not affect its sound at all, so in this case, it is just a matter of aesthetic choice. Some people go for a flat, natural appearance and others decide to choose a glossy, shining finish.

You can also find some special kinds of finish that will distinguish your guitar from all the rest. For example, a wonderful one is known as the “sunburst” – this finish is made darker around the edges. According to your preference, you can purchase acoustic guitars with solid color finishes, the most common of them is red and black.

Electronics Onboard

If you want to play as a band member or think there is a need your guitar to be plugged into a sound system, most likely you will have to purchase an acoustic-electric guitar. These types of acoustic guitars are pretty much the same as all other acoustic guitars for sale but the difference is that you can plug them in directly.

An additional advantage is that some electronic parts come with a tuner.

If you are a beginner guitarist, most likely you will not need electronics. However, it is good to have them available. If in the beginning, you skip the electronic part to save some money, and then you decide that you need to plug your guitar in, you can use what is popular as soundhole pickups – they will solve the issue.

Name brand guitar? Used or new guitar?

acoustic guitars miniIn regards to purchasing a best acoustic guitar for a beginner, the option of purchasing a used one is quite alluring. We suggest not to do that, simply because the acoustic guitars for beginners are inexpensive ones and also because you can encounter a lot of issues with any used instrument that can cause you much trouble.

In regards to the name brand, pause and consider why you would like to purchase a guitar. What is most suitable for your style? What guitar provides the best playability? The name brands such as Takamine, Yamaha, Fender, Epiphone and others are reliable choices that provide a wonderful value for the novice musicians. Do not bring yourself the disappointment of a crappy no name guitar.

Before you Purchase an Acoustic Guitar – Think About the Most Fitting Size and Body Style

Why is the body size of the acoustic guitar so essential? What will happen if you purchase a wrong size or a size that is slightly off for your actual needs?

This crucial question will assist you in determining the appropriate size of the best acoustic guitar that you want to buy. Consider this question very seriously while researching because it will help you stay on the right path and will keep you from being distracted by all reviews and promotional information.

The crucial question is: Why is the body size of the acoustic guitar so important in your particular choice for purchase? This is a list of possible reasons making the size of a guitar acoustic essential:

  • You want to have a guitar with suitable travel size which you can take wherever and whenever with you.
  • You are purchasing a guitar for a kid, teenager or a smaller person.
  • You are purchasing a guitar for a bigger person.
  • You would like to have a guitar that will provide the appropriate sound for the type of music you play.
  • You would like to have more balance, more treble or more bass from the sound of your acoustic guitar.
  • You do not have plenty of room available because you live in a small quarter or at college dorms.
  • You like to play secluded from the others.

acoustic guitars duoConsidering that question, let’s go on evaluating various body sizes acoustic guitars, models and their advantages or disadvantages.

The styles and body sizes of acoustic guitars vary between the different manufacturers. The company C.F Martin has been a prominent player in establishing trends in sizes and body styles, and there are a lot of companies that have followed their standards as a firm foundation and have changed their designs to make custom styles and sizes. We will give you information about the most popular styles and body sizes of acoustic guitar variations and also some information regarding the tone and sound profiles.

These profiles do not exactly follow the standards set by C.F Martin but show some of the most often used styles and body sizes of acoustic guitars, and a lot of them have been influenced by this company.

This very easy to work with guide will assist you in understanding the various styles and body sizes of acoustic guitars to facilitate you selecting the top choice for your individual playability and comfort and also – the sound you wish to create.

In regards to the best acoustic guitars for you, certainly, you can’t say that one size fits all. Let us now evaluate many common styles and sizes to decide which is the most suitable for your needs.

While researching for the appropriate size for your acoustic guitar (or if you want to buy a gift), make sure that you have answered this question unambiguously.

The Traveler Guitar – Could be Acoustic or Acoustic Electric

Some reasons to purchase an acoustic guitar with travel size:

  • You would like an acoustic guitar to travel with that is small.
  • The recording quality is not your first priority.
  • You would like to travel around and play from time to time while being on vacation.
  • The sound projection is not too important for you.

Some good quality and well-evaluated traveler acoustic guitars are:

You can find many models of the trusty traveler guitar and makes as well as some of the cheap ones, or under hundred and fifty dollars, are simply that – cheap. You can find all kinds of sizes and shapes with traveler acoustic guitars and there are more complex variations coming with foldaway design, they can be buckled at the neck joint. In addition, you can find acoustic-electric guitars if you want to have the flexibility of plugging in.

acoustic guitars travelerIn the beginning, it is very useful to determine why you want a travel guitar prior to any research. First, answer this question for yourself and it could change your perspective from choosing a certain traveler guitar to another size acoustic guitar.  However, it could also re-affirm your possible choice. A mini guitar could also be of a good service, but before that you should take some time to  think about these questions:

Are you purchasing a traveler guitar for any of these reasons:

  • You would like a good small traveler guitar to take with you on boat or road trips or any other vacation.
  • You would like a guitar that is small enough for a student, daughter or son.
  • You would like to have a traveler guitar because you are a musician who wants to hone his/her skills.
  • You would like to buy a traveler guitar as a gift to another person.
  • You would like a guitar that would not cause a disturbance for the neighbors.

These are some not very practical reasons that need some more research to reach the best decision:

  • You would like to have a small size guitar for a child.
  • You would like to save some money.
  • You would like to have something convenient to record and travel with.
  • You are a novice and want a beginner guitar to practice with.
  • You think that it is pretty cool to have one because a friend of yours has got one.

If you are thinking about buying the best acoustic guitar for just playing around and traveling or you want more quiet guitar because of the neighbors, this type of guitar could be the appropriate decision. On the other hand, if you would like to have a small guitar that will offer you the sound quality of a larger guitar or in case you want this style for a first beginner instrument for a kid or a student, it would be smart to think about other options, more suitable for recording, learning or for honing better guitar skills.

If you are thinking about travel size or mini guitar, make sure you have read a lot of reviews of people owning models ranging between four and five hundred dollars, because there are many reasons to avoid the cheaper models, especially those under hundred and fifty dollars. There are many examples of cheap acoustic guitars that are not better than ordinary toys when it comes to craftsmanship, sound and quality. If you invest additional one or two hundred dollars, you can discover some wonderful traveler and mini size acoustic guitars that will do the job perfectly and there are professionals who have chosen particular mini and traveler acoustic guitars over more mature ones for their recording, performance, quality and playability reasons.

What About the Mini Acoustic Guitar?

acoustic guitars parlorSome practical reasons to purchase a mini acoustic guitar:

  • You would like a small guitar for traveling that is a resemblance of an acoustic model.
  • You are not worried or at least too worried about the quality of recording.
  • You would like to hang around and to do some guitar playing during your vacation.
  • You are not obsessed by strong projection of sound.
  • You do not require a guitar that sounds bassy.
  • You would like to purchase a scaled down version for a child or a small framed novice.

Some of the best-evaluated quality mini acoustic guitars

The Parlor Acoustic Guitar

Some practical reasons to purchase a Parlor size acoustic guitar

  • You would like a small guitar for traveling that has a resemblance to an acoustic model.
  • You have a concern about performing and recording quality with a small sound.
  • On the one hand, you want a travel size guitar but on the other – you want sound quality and playability.
  • You are not too obsessed about the strong projection of sound.
  • You do not require a guitar that sounds bassy – you want to play in small groups.
  • You would like to have a more regular fret scale but would also like a body that is smaller because it is meant for a smaller person.
  • Your preference goes toward more treble projection for your recording, group or style.

The Tenor Acoustic Guitar – Not a Six-Stringed, but a Four String Guitar

Some practical reasons to purchase a Tenor size acoustic guitar for sale:

  • You participate in a guitar ensemble or group and you are needed as tenor.
  • You would like to have a different experience, a four-stringed guitar and a changeup or challenge.
  • You want to have a higher treble projection for your recording, group or style.
  • You would like to learn alternative chordings with just four strings.

The Auditorium and Grand Auditorium Guitar

acoustic guitars grand auditoriumThe auditorium guitar is a medium size, professional sounding instrument. Some practical reasons to purchase an Auditorium size guitar acoustic:

  • You want to perform, record and write and would like a balance and quality.
  • You want an instrument that has more projection than the smaller size acoustic guitar for sale.
  • You want a feel and size that is less deep and smaller than a Dreadnought or larger guitar.
  • You would like to have more projection than a mini, traveler, parlor or tenor guitar.
  • You would like midrange and some more bass than this offered by a tenor guitar.
  • You would like a more regular fret scale but would also like a smaller body for smaller framed person, but the tenor appears too small to you.
  • You would like to have a guitar with more standard feel and look and with a medium size.

The Grand performance or Grand Auditorium models – larger sound and easier handling than this of a Dreadnought. Some practical reasons to purchase the Grand performance (Martin) or Grand Auditorium (Taylor) acoustic guitar for sale:

  • You have a preference for projection similar to the Dreadnought’s but would like less dominance of the bass and higher distinction between treble, low and mid notes.
  • You want to perform, record or write and would like balance and quality.
  • You have a preference for more qualities of bell tone and more clarity when it comes to fingerpicking style than the Jumbo’s or the Dreadnought’s bassy blear.
  • You want a feel and size that is less deep and smaller than a Jumbo or Dreadnought acoustic guitars.
  • You have a preference for clear, big sound and acoustic that is easier to hold and with a smaller waist.
  • You would like the most regular fret scale.

The Orchestra Size Acoustic and the Standard Dreadnought Guitar

The orchestra model is a medium size guitar; which is a step below the standard dreadnought. Some practical reasons to purchase an Orchestra size acustic guitar:

  • You want to perform, record or write and would like balance and quality.
  • You want something with a wider range and more projection than smaller sizes acoustic guitars.
  • You want a feel and size less deep and smaller than a Jumbo or Dreadnought.
  • You would like to have more projection than parlor, tenor, auditorium, and smaller.
  • You want some more bass and more mid range than the Auditorium size.
  • You would like a more regular fret scale but would also like a smaller body for a smaller framed person, but the tenor appears too small for you.

acoustic guitars dreadnoughtThe Dreadnought acoustic body guitar has been the ultimate standard since the nineteen-thirties. Some practical reasons to purchase the Dreadnought – the standard one:

  • You have a preference for the most common and regular acoustic guitar size.
  • You want to perform, record or write and would like to have balance and quality.
  • You want a guitar with higher projection, wider range and more bass than the smaller sizes acoustic guitars.
  • You want a feel and size less deep and smaller than a Jumbo.
  • You would like more projection than parlor, auditorium, tenor, Orchestra and smaller.
  • You would like to have the most balanced instrument in the three ranges – treble, mid and bass.
  • You would like to have the most regular fret scale.
  • You would like to learn and practice on the most popular acoustic guitar for sale worldwide.
  • You would like to have the ability to smoothly change to Jumbo or smaller acoustic guitars if you are on the road or participate in various setting or groups.
  • You would like to have the most choice options for manufacturer and price range.

The Jumbo Acoustic and The Grand Jumbo Guitar

The Jumbo Acoustic Guitar is truly a Big One! Some practical reasons to purchase the Jumbo acoustic guitar include:

  • You would like a bassy and booming best acoustic guitar without the need to play bass guitar.
  • You want to perform, record or write and would like to have balance and quality.
  • You have a preference for a booming sound and a large size instrument with a distinction between the treble and bass notes.
  • You are a big framed person who wants a big guitar.
  • You participate in a group and want to backup or balance them with a firm bassy projection.
  • You would like to perform booming fingerpicking songs but you do not like the bell resembling aspects of the Grand Performance or the Grand Auditorium model.
  • You would like to have more bass distinction in your music than a Dreadnought.

acoustic guitars jumboThe Grand Jumbo is the biggest one out on the guitar market! Some practical reasons to purchase one of the Grand Jumbo acoustic guitars include:

  • The Jumbo guitar is not large enough for you.
  • You have a preference for a big size guitar with booming sound and a higher distinction between the treble and bass notes and with even more projection and bass than offered by the Jumbo.
  • You are a very big person who wants a massive guitar, larger than the Jumbo.
  • You would like to play booming fingerpicking songs but you do not like the bell resembling aspects of the Grand Performance or the Grand Auditorium model acoustic guitars.
  • You would like to have more bass distinction in your music than a Dreadnought.
  • You simply want to have the largest guitar out there.

Positive and Negative Aspects for the Guitar Acoustic Beginner

Positive points for the beginner:

  • In most cases, the acoustic guitar is your most inexpensive option.
  • It comes with very few additional things, and it is very easy to begin practicing – you just need a bag or case, tuner and a few picks.
  • It is just the perfect instrument for playing classical and folk music (it depends on the particular guitar), and it can be also used in all kinds of pop music.

Negative points for the beginner:

  • Playing action, neck and strings can be more difficult for your fingers and therefore the initial steps into playing guitar could be somehow painful. Please note that toughening of the fingertips sometimes takes quite long.
  • If, after all, you do not have a strong wish to play an acoustic guitar but for example, would like to play rock music with electric guitar, choosing the acoustic option is not very motivating.

Buy an acoustic guitar if:

  • You are not sure what is the probability of adhering to it and would like to give the minimum amount of money to try playing guitar.
  • Your aim is to play acoustic music.

Useful Articles About the Acoustic Guitar

  1. Mixing Acoustic Guitar Sonds (Play Live and Make it Sound Good)
  2. Building an Acoustic Guitar (Great Attention to Detail is Required)